AbacusNext Takes Home Three TL NewsWire Top Product Awards
AbacusNext is excited to announce three of our products have been named to TechnoLawyer NewsWire's Top Product Awards. HotDocs, our cutting-edge document automation platform, took home the silverat #2, while our award winning legal practice management applications, AbacusLaw and Amicus Attorney, snagged spots #21 and #25 respectively. According to the announcement, “AbacusNext stands alone as the only company to scoop up three TL NewsWire Top Product Awards.”
Neil Squillante, publisher of TL NewsWire, commenting on HotDocs second place finish and this years’ awards as whole said, “What can we learn from this year's TL NewsWire Top 25 Products Awards? Perhaps most notably, the golden age of document automation may have arrived with three products overall, including the top two spots.”
TechnoLawyer delivers critically acclaimed email newsletters for legal product reviews, practice management tips, and more. The Top Product Awards identify the “25 hottest products in legal technology” and function as “as a buyer's guide for your law firm in 2019.”
Read the newest issue of TL NewsWire to learn more about our awards for HotDocs, AbacusLaw and Amicus Attorney.