Build the (Ethical) Wall!

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An ethical wall is a screening mechanism that protects clients from a conflict of interest by preventing one or more attorneys from participating in any matters for which they have a conflict.
Once a matter is blocked by the matter’s “owner,” all of the notes, documents, contact information, and emails associated with case or issue will be blocked from any other user.
In our program, the Ethical Walls can operate in two different security modes. In one mode, default viewing privileges are set for all new matters by attorney and/or by matter case code and can be changed/overridden at the individual matter level. In our opinion, this is the best way to set the Ethical Wall. In the other mode, viewing privileges can be set at the individual matter level only.
If you have matters that some employees in the firm should not see, build an ethical wall. It is an easy and efficient way to protect your clients.
To find out more about this feature and how to build one for your firm, search for “ethical wall” in AbacusLaw help.
Or, you can view a demo on our Learn Abacus YouTube channel here:
- Building an Ethical Wall with Optional Viewing Privileges - Building an Ethical Wall with Default Viewing Privileges
By: Susan Haworth
Susan is a technical writer at Abacus. She has been translating technical concepts for non-technical people for almost 20 years. When she is not discussing features with the Abacus programmers, you will find her out biking, walking the dogs, or arguing with her teenage children. She lives in High Point, North Carolina.