The Future of Cloud Computing
The Future of Cloud Computing
As data security and storage needs increase for law firms across the United States, a seismic shift is taking place in the area of information technology. Yet this hasn’t always been the case.
More than ten years ago, conversations about the cloud served as nebulous, albeit interesting exchanges between IT professionals gathered around the watercooler. In the past several years, however, better understanding of the cloud’s capabilities have turned it into a subject that everyone’s taking a lot more seriously – even those who are far removed from the IT sphere.
With that in mind, two questions still need answering: While the cloud currently offers superior security and resources when compared to legacy systems, how will the cloud begin evolve over the next few years, and how will these changes impact your law firm? Here are just a few of our predictions.
Mobile will be Crowned King
Referencing a report on cloud computing, DazeInfo noted a growth increase in cloud computing to the tune of 22.8% in 2015. It’s a number many people expected, however, as many predict that 62% of all customer relationship management software (CRM) programs will be cloud-based by the year 2018.
Where these numbers naturally lead are to mobile, and the reason is simple: today, 80% of those working in offices across the U.S. use tablets and smartphones in lieu of desktop computers. Also interesting to note is that the majority of traffic the Internet now consumes comes from these same mobile devices.
Essentially, we may see desktop computers go away completely in the next few decades as people are attracted by the cloud’s ability to offer access to client and firm information from anywhere with an internet connection.
Cloud Security Will Be Seen as Superior to Internal Safeguards
One of the chief reservations law firms have with regards to moving to the cloud is security; and rightly so, as the information being stored within a firm is of a highly sensitive and confidential nature. This has led many organizations to lean on personal storage over a private cloud, with many firms choosing to hold their informational assets nearby and take responsibility for its protection.
The subject has also become a primary concern of those who offer cloud services, resulting in tremendous changes in the range of security being offered, and numerous fail-safes being employed to prevent data loss or intrusion.
In a recent Slideshare put together by RapidScale on LinkedIn, however, we see that 94% of businesses who use cloud solutions saw improvements in security after making a switch to the cloud. And this number will only improve in the next few years.
Hybrid Solutions Become the Norm
A private cloud service is usually the most desirable for law firms. But for those who want to maintain some type of internal infrastructure for client and firm information, the hybrid cloud may be the answer.
This can be done in several ways, and include receiving legal technology services, or one-off solutions such as the billing of clients or comprehensive bookkeeping services that are shared via the cloud.
The reason for hybrid solutions beginning to make headway in the industry is due to the flexibility and data deployment options they offer. In truth, the end goal of cloud solutions is to make your law firm operate more effectively and lower year-over-year costs tremendously while offering a greater degree of security features.
Once peace of mind is reached through services or partial integration, most law firms make the move to the cloud for good.
Find out how you can deliver better results for your clients and streamline your law practice by scheduling your demo today.