AbacusLaw Legal Practice Management Software Now Integrates with HotDocs

The latest release of AbacusLaw legal practice management software includes updates that are sure to delight legal customers—especially firms who rely on document automation as a part of their workflow. Version 23.31 of AbacusLaw includes integration with HotDocs, allowing firms to automatically assemble error-free documents using the client, calendar and case information already in the AbacusLaw system.
Here’s a quick look at the exciting new features this version has to offer:
Features of the AbacusLaw and HotDocs Integration
Users of AbacusLaw with HotDocs now have the ability to complete entire documents with one click or start with the information already in AbacusLaw and enter more information using an interactive HotDocs interview. Firms using AbacusLaw with HotDocs have reported significant time savings, increased accuracy and reduction of costly, embarrassing and potentially license-threatening malpractice claims. Learn more about the integration here.
Features of APX PayNow Integration
Firms using Version 23.31 will have access to Abacus Payment Exchange (APX) PayNow, which allows users of AbacusLaw to automatically send invoices directly to a client’s inbox and have that bill paid, via credit card, through a secure online portal. AbacusLaw Accounting is immediately notified of the payment, removing friction and time-consuming work from the collection process. Single and mass billings are supported, greatly enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of billing activities.
Other New Features of Our Practice Management System
- Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)
- Mobile Tab Updated
- Mobile Remote Wipe
- Remote API Installer Converts Data Path to UNC
- REST and API Heartbeat Status
- Recover Lost Changes Tool
- Audit Trail Record Limit
- Work Groups Added to Audit Trail
- Outlook Caching
- Preventing Deleting of Standard Required Indexes
- Default Queries Used for Matter Browses
- Default Base Folder for Forms Updated
- AbacusLaw Mobile App Log
- Versioning Added to Exchange/Office 365 Sync
- Calculate Bill Amount Setting
- Unposted Costs & Adjustments Warning
- APX Refund Message
- Reset APX Utility
How to installAbacusLaw version 23.31
For details on setting up the AbacusLaw Hot Docs integration, watch this video. Current AbacusLaw customers can access the version in-product by navigating to Help Abacus Updates. Abacus Private Cloud customers will need to work with APC maintenance to install the new version.
Want more information on the capabilities of the AbacusLaw HotDocs integration? Check out this TechnoLawyer report that details all the ways HotDocs makes AbacusLaw even better.