Microsoft Issues Security Updates to Exchange Server: What You Need to Know

A look beyond server maintenance and costly inefficiencies that have an impact on your business
To adopt or not to adopt: that is no longer the question. The latest security release by the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) highlights why your business should ditch the server. From costly infrastructure maintenance to protecting and securing your data; let’s just say it, not everyone is an IT expert.
If you haven’t heard, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) issued details of “multiple 0-day exploits being used to attack on-premises versions of Microsoft Exchange Server in limited and targeted attacks. So, what does the latest Microsoft security release mean? In short, “The attacks observed, the threat actor used these vulnerabilities to access on-premises Exchange servers which enabled access to email accounts, and allowed installation of additional malware to facilitate long-term access to victim environments.” Microsoft attributes the attack to an organized group, HAFNIUM. Learn more about the group, here. As a result, Microsoft is recommending immediate action to install patch updates to Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019. So, that’s the bad news.
Are you rethinking your attachment to your local server? Now, is the right time to migrate to a Private Cloud. We recently published an article, “Cloud Migration Considerations for Moving to the Private Cloud,” that discusses moving data, applications and operating systems from in-house servers to virtual storage spaces. The hard part is making the jump, but cloud technology has truly evolved, manifesting itself as a scalable, flexible and secure technology for data storage and application delivery.
So, the good news, it’s time to the ditch the server and step into Abacus Private Cloud.
Here are 3 reasons to consider before you go down the endless road of managing your local infrastructure:
- Break the cabal of managing the applications, devices, ad having to call the “IT guy” when your local server crashes or is attacked, like in last year’s SolarWinds debacle.
- It’s costly having to buy and maintain the hardware. Your server has a lifespan and will certainly need to be repaired.
- It’s not scalable and limits your ability to grow as you add new employees and makes it difficult to enable your workers to work remotely.
Benefits of a private cloud — it does what your team can’t
- Hardware and software with the latest updates and security patches installed
- Frequently tested onsite and offsite cloud backups
- Device management to quickly identify and isolate at-risk endpoints
- Software resources to expedite threat detection and incident remediation
Investing in a private cloud solution like APC can strengthen your business by limiting exposure risk, mitigating damage and disruption, and focusing on discovery and recovery.
Ditch the server and get started today with Abacus Private Cloud.