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What’s New in the Latest Version of Amicus Attorney
January 16, 2018

Announcing email enhancements, improved document management, a new integration and more!..

Amicus Attorney Document Management on a Whole New Level
January 9, 2018

If you use Amicus Attorney, see how Amicus-Managed Documents is the best way to organize all firm documents in this quick free training webinar!..

Keep Your Amicus Attorney Calendar Organized with Adjournments
January 3, 2018

In this 30-minute free training webinar recording, learn more about tracking adjournments in the Amicus Attorney calendar...

Managing the Flow of Communications in Amicus Attorney
December 8, 2017

Learn how to leverage Amicus Attorney to stay on top of all your communications...

Advanced Task Options in Amicus Attorney
December 6, 2017

Learn more about how you can better adhere to deadlines with advanced task options like progressive priorities and customized event categories in this edition of Amicus Attorney Free Training Friday!..

Organize Calls and Messages in Amicus Attorney
December 2, 2017

In this half-hour Free Training Friday, we'll go over how to better organize your calls and messages, going into detail on setting callback reminders and emailing phone messages as well...

In’s and Out’s of the Amicus Attorney Mobile App
October 19, 2017

In this free, 30 minute training, learn how you can manage your firm on the go with the Amicus Attorney Mobile app...

Amicus Cloud Mobile App – Free Training Fridays
May 24, 2017

Our Amicus Cloud Mobile App gives you easy access to your files, clients, phone calls, time entries, and notes on-the-go...

Using Files in Amicus Attorney – Free Training Fridays
April 25, 2017

The Files module in Amicus Attorney is one of the program's most important and powerful tools...

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